level blocking rework+ ui+ graphics+ puzzles+ name change+ concept statement change 18/10/2024

After a HUGE change up in game concept a new name and  concept statement so without further delay the new name of the game is "RETRO" the reason for this name is the new art style that is being followed which is a old school retro vibe. In addition the new concept statement is as follows "A crazy rage inducing dash to the finish line to one up your friends high score!.". Another big change is to what the game is trying to  accomplish which is it's now trying to be so simple yet hard that people play  to spite the game and get a high score.

level blocking rework:

Too accomplish the new goal of making a retro game the art style needed a rework which unfortunately meant I needed to do a huge over haul of the map and how its even created. The overhaul to the map required a tile map to be created to make the map have a clean and polished look to it(this also had the added benefit of making map reworks easy in the future).

Another problem as told by a tester was that the colors of the game were chosen poorly the blacks where at max settings and the  whites were the same  so this was fixed with some brief new color designs.


The user interface has been added in to show the player how long the player is taken so far to beat the map and show how many deaths (so far the best tester finished with 100+ deaths). On top of that the win screen has bee implemented to pause the game and show results.


To finish the game i have locked the finish line behind a locked door which can only be unlocked by going to the other side of the map and then going back which makes the player run the labyrinth.

Some of the new obstacles added are THE ELEVATORS OF DOOM which have been reported to be the hardest section of the map. due to the annoyance of having to back track constantly thanks to the dastardly elevators a check point system was added.


latest retro.zip Play in browser
Oct 17, 2024

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